Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I'll think of a title at some point. For now, I'm going on a road trip.

As those of you reading this have probably heard by now, I am taking a road trip out west starting this weekend, probably winding up as far west as the Grand Canyon. Why am I doing you ask, because of this:

That's a lot of rain (Image from NOAA)
and this:
My backyard after some of that aforementioned lots of rain
and also this:
Giant rain monster that may or may not be attacking Maryland.
Also, the NHC thought it would be a good idea to name it after me.
Thanks, I always wanted a rain monster named after me. (Image from NOAA)
To put it frankly, like the rest of Maryland, I'm fed up with all the rain.


The whole idea for the road trip started a few weeks ago, shortly after I got the roof on my house replaced and found that it was still leaking. I was driving to church and was thinking "I should just drive out to the desert right now, there isn't any rain out there." Then I realized that would be irresponsible, as I have to be at work in the morning.

While randomly jumping on US-50 and driving until I see only dry landscapes would be a bad idea, I decided that a slightly less spontaneous road trip out west would be a fun idea. Given that, when I was a kid, I would obsessively look at maps (possibly to an unhealthy degree) and imagine what it is like in the state or region I was looking at, I asked myself why I've waited until I was 31 to do this. So I started planning this trip for the middle of October.


So what are my plans (or lack thereof) for this trip. Well, I'm actually trying to keep this trip as unplanned as possible. See, I've been on a number of road trips before, but I tend to over plan them, just like I do everything else. Those trips have been fun and all, but at times that feel more like work and not a vacation. So, for this this trip, I've decided to keep it as spontaneous as possible. No excel spreadsheets (except for a small one that has all the stuff that needs to be done before the trip). No planning every single turn on Google Maps. No booking hotels ahead of time.

Who knew that a spreadsheet could contain so little data

The only things that are set in stone are that I'm leaving Friday, driving westward, and will be back in Baltimore for work on the 29th. Even going to the Grand Canyon is not set in stone, as its really only the furthest west I can go before I have to turn around (also its the desert). I'll get up each morning, drive somewhere, and see stuff along the way. Wherever I wind up at sundown is where I'll get a hotel or camp, planning on only being in the car 5-6 hours each day. By not planning my destinations, I hope to be able to see cool stuff along the way without having to worry about rushing to my next destination. Along the way, I'll blog about what I've done, and ask for ideas for my next destination and things to do on my way there.

So here is a summary of what I'm doing for those who only read the end of something

WHO: A crazy person whom the state of Maryland thought was a good idea to give a license to drive wherever he wants

WHAT: Road trip, mostly unplanned, all fun

WHERE: Good ole US of A. (Sorry Canada, Mexico, Europe, or the Moon. Not this time around)

WHEN: Starting this Friday and lasting until the 29th

HOW: Not a flying bison (unfortunately, those do not exist). Instead I'll be taking my trusty Hyundai Sonata named Enterprise (after the NX-01).

Not my Sonata (Sadly) (Image from Nickelodeon)
WHY: Because of evil H2O falling from the sky (see the rest of the blog post, seriously)

WHY SHOULD I CARE: Because road trips are cool

WHAT SHOULD I DO: Read my blog and make recommendations of where I should go


  1. Wow, I'm glad I'm not living in your basement anymore.
    Also, you should check out Mammoth Cave in KY.

    1. Yeah, and that happened only a week after I moved down there in May. The water never got up to the house, only to old water pump thing in the backyard, but it was enough to completely freak me out.

  2. I second Mammoth Caves. Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll be able to recommend much else since most of my travel has been along the east and west coasts.

    1. ^This is David btw. Apparently my user profile isn't displaying properly

  3. Good Stuff. Will be following and looking for more cool pics and awesome words during your journey.

  4. We will eagerly waiting for what you find on the byways and less traveled roads enroute to the desert. Visit the Mom & Pop attractions and restaurants to get the local flavor of your trip.
